Greek Literary Epigram – From the Hellenistic to the Byzantine Era

Del 11 al 13 de septiembre tendrá lugar este congreso internacional organizado por la sección Clásica del King’s College de Londres, con el siguiente leitmotiv:

Recent scholarship has witnessed an escalating interest in the study of Greek literary epigram, which was given further momentum by the discovery and publication of the New Milan Papyrus, attributed to Posidippus of Pella. 

Considerable progress has been made in our appreciation of the development and features of the genre and its exponents in the Hellenistic period. However, intense scholarly focus on Hellenistic epigram has led to an under-appreciation of the later epigrammatic material, from the Roman to the Byzantine period. 

The aim of this international conference is to investigate the changes that literary epigram underwent over the centuries, its interrelationship with other Greek literary genres and with the visual arts, as well as the factors which influenced its development across time. The conference aims to advance our understanding of the epigram by shifting focus away from an author-, garland- and time-based study of epigrams to exploring Greek literary epigrams (from the Hellenistic to those included in the Cycle of Agathias) in a wider perspective. We hope that this will lead to an  understanding of the larger dynamics that shaped the epigram as a literary type, and the factors that influenced its development and guaranteed its survival throughout antiquity.

Aunque el call for papers ya se cerró hace unos meses, la inscripción como oyente está abierta hasta el 25 de agosto (en la web se pueden ver las tasas). 
El programa está disponible en <este enlace>.
Toda la información de los conferenciantes principales, el lugar de celebración y los contactos se pueden ver en <esta página>.

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