Intercultural Exchange in Late Antique Historiography (Gent Universiteit, 16-18 September 2015)


Wednesday 16 September

9.30-9.40: OpeningMaria Conterno:
Found in Translation

9.40-10.20:C. Tavolieri (Rome)Historiography and Hagiographic texts: the Syriac Versions of
Palladius’ “Historia Lausiaca”

10.20-11.00:E. Delacenserie (Gent)The reception of Socrates of Constantinople’s “Ecclesiastical
History”: a case-study for intercultural exchanges

 11.30-12.20:C. NoceS. Robbe (Rome)Translating Eusebius’ “ChurchHistory” in the West and in the East: Rufinus and his contemporary Syriac colleague

12.20-13.00: General discussion

L.M. Frenkel (São Paulo)Coptic conciliar historiography: appropriation of history and the creation of the past between conciliar acts and hagiography in the Acts of Ephesus 431

14.40-15.20:A. Camplani (Rome)Religious and cultural otherness in Egyptian historiographical and
hagiographical texts of Late Antiquity: the transmission and manipulation of documents about non-
Egyptian groups and churches

16.00-16.40:P. Pilette (New York/Louvain-la-Neuve)Translation process and open tradition:

Transformation of historical knowledge through the“History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria”
16.40-17.20:J. Stutz (Basel)Eutychius of Alexandria, Constantine and the Arian legacy
17.20-17.50: General discussion

Thursday 17 September

Islam and the (Far) East
F. Furlan (Padova)The Mahdī and the Torah: curiosity and diffidence towards Jewish

written tradition in a chapter of the“Kitābal-Fitan” by Nu’aym b.Ḥammād

10.10-10.50:S. Rapp (Huntsville, Texas)Historiographical Encounters of the Cross-Cultural Kind: The
Iranian Epic and Caucasian Historical Literature at the Margins of the Iranian and Byzantine Worlds

 11.20-12.00:G. Dabiri (Gent)Iranian Kings and Biblical Prophets in the construction of moral types in Early Islamic Historiography

12.00-12.40:J. Scheiner (Göttingen)The Byzantines in Early Islamic Historiography: Indicators for
‘cultural translation’ in al-Azdī’s Book on the Conquests of Syria

12.40-13.00: General Discussion

Latin and the (Far) West
R. Praet (Gent)Lingua Latina Perennis?The decline of Latin from an antiquarian perspective
14.40-15.20:F. Montinaro (Tübingen)Muhammad and Samo
15.20-16.00: General discussion followed by coffee (JAN DHONDTROOM)

Friday 18 September

The in-between
S. Ford (Oxford)Intercultural Influences in the Samaritan Chronographic Tradition

9.40-10.20:J. Corke-Webster (Durham)Letters between Cultures: Jesus and Empire in Eusebius of
Caesarea’s “EcclesiasticalHistory”

10.20-11.00:P. Wood (London)Constantine in Mesopotamia. The fourth century in the Chronicle of Seert
11.00-11.30: coffee break(JAN DHONDTROOM)

S. Johnson (University of Oklahoma)Form, content, and genre in Eastern

historiography: is anything not intercultural?

12.10-12.40: General discussion

Everyone who wishes to attend the conference is kindly asked to register by writing to Panagiotis
Manafis, registration fees required).

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